Your AI interview coach

Welcome to AI Communicator!

In today's issue:

  • Your AI interview coach

  • Know in advance what your audience is thinking

  • New ChatGPT course for communicators

Your AI interview coach

Some people are naturals in front of the camera or with a microphone in their hand.

Odds are you’re not one of them.

75% of people either dislike or fear public speaking.

And if you are lucky enough to actually enjoy it, that doesn’t mean you are good at it - or as great as you could be.

Getting better can be an awkward and self-conscious process.

But whether it's a presentation, a media interview, job interview or podcast appearance, AI can ease the pain.

And it won’t damn you with faint praise, or a laugh in all the wrong places.

We’ll start by using ChatGPT as your personal coach.

The following example is for media training, but could be tailored for other scenarios.

Use voice on the mobile app for a more realistic experience.

Media Coach Prompt

You are an experienced media coach. Help me prepare for a forthcoming media interview by giving expert advice on message development and delivery.

Depending on your need and interest, explore further with ChatGPT and ask how to apply it to a specific topic. Or jump straight to the second prompt.

Media Interview Prompt

You are an experienced media coach. Give me a realistic media interview on [insert topic] in the style of [add media outlet or reporter]. Adopt a [humorous/neutral/serious/hostile] tone. You will ask a question. I will provide an answer. Ask me five questions in total. Thereafter, you will provide me with detailed analysis of how I performed, including:

  • What key messages the audience would take from the interview

  • The quality of the answers including - conciseness, how well they answered the question

  • Use of language - repetition, filler words, weak words, sentence starters

Highlight areas for improvement and any specific strategies I could have used to improve the interview.

At this point in the article I was ready to point out that it’s only a matter of time before there will be an AI interview training app that uses video to provide feedback on your delivery as well.  

Given the current rapid rate of progress I found out last week that it's already here. 

Yoodli is a speech coach app that can help you improve your interview and public speaking skills.

I tried the interview practice and was very impressed. 

It’s set up for job interviews, but you can add your own custom questions so it’s easily adapted for other types.

You can also practice presentations and conversations.

The follow up questions it asked me during the interview were based on the responses I gave. 

Afterwards, I received a coaching report on the key points my audience took away, and specific advice on each answer. 

There are also analytics on word choice and delivery. 

Word choice covers: repetition, filler words, non inclusiveness, weak words, conciseness and sentence starter. 

Delivery covers: eye contact, centering, pauses, smiles and pacing.

I spoke 39% more than I needed to. Below 30% is what you should be aiming for.

The big insight for me was that 20% of sentences started with “So”.

So, moving on …

You can give Yoodli a try with five free practice sessions. 

If you want to use it more, it starts from $10 a month, billed annually.

I would still rather have a professional media trainer or interview coach given the chance.

But AI now offers accessible and helpful alternatives when that isn’t an option.

And it is great preparation for that day in the not too distant future when AI is interviewing you for real.

Know in advance what your audience is thinking

Sharpen up your next presentation by finding out if it hits the right notes before you deliver it. 

Copy your slides and/or speaking notes into ChatGPT and use this prompt:

  1. What is the one point above all others that my audience will take away from this presentation?

  2. How will my audience be feeling during this presentation?

  3. What questions will my audience have after hearing this presentation?

Then edit your presentation and speaking notes based on the feedback. 

New ChatGPT course for communicators

Joanna Parsons of The Curious Route has just launched a great looking course for anyone getting started with ChatGPT for communications.

While I haven’t tried it personally, Joanna consistently puts out excellent advice.

The course curriculum covers all the key bases for integrating ChatGPT into your workflow. 

Joanna gives 38 specific use cases for how to use ChatGPT as your personal assistant. It’s a video-based course that includes a download with 38 detailed prompts to get you going.

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